Standard room(RMB520/d) Single room(RMB592/d) Executive Room(RMB708/d)
B. Jin Ding Hong Tai Hotel.(phone:4006-031-998)
Standard room(RMB268/d) Deluxe Standard Room(RMB298/d) Suite Room(RMB545/d)
A. Take the taxi at the Beijing Capital International Airport.
If you will go to Chang Feng Holiday Inn,Please show below words to driver : 请把我送到永定路长峰假日酒店。地址:北京市海淀区永定路66号。行车路线:从机场高速上四环,从五棵松出口出来,沿着复兴路往西走,到永定路往北大约200米即可到达酒店。
If you will go to Jin Ding Hong Tai Hotel, Please show below words to driver :请把我送到石景山区玉泉西街8号的金鼎弘泰大酒店。行车路线:从机场高速上四环,从五棵松出口出来,沿着复兴路往西走,到玉泉西街往北约200米即可到达酒店。
Connect "IHEP", and apply a temporary account. Contact person: Miao He. Email: Then I'll confirm.
Remote connection
Seevogh: open discussion
Visa information
*If you need get the visa,please show below messages to Jianhua Wu(
1. Full Name in the passport:
2. Nationality:
3. Affiliation:
4. Position:
5. Passport #:
6.Name a city where you want to apply your visa:
7.Mailing Address:
8.Arrival date(YYYY_MM_DD):
10.birth day(YYYY_MM_DD):
11.According to the latest regulations, if you need to get multiple entry permits, also need to provide the latest get multiple-entry visa scanning and related work plan